Thursday, August 15, 2013

It only gets better

Yes, another post so soon... It's the Second day of school! 
If you know my situation, you know I don't always have Levi.
 Sooooo today was OUR 2nd FIRST DAY of school. =] 
After his adventure of wasp, bee, & bug chasing yesterday his first response 
was, "I want to be someone people can call and I'll kill their bugs" lol I said "An exterminator?"
"No I don't like that movie" (he must have been thinking of the TERMINATOR) 
He then said he likes guts and wants to save people instead...  
So, at age 5 Levi would like to be a DOCTOR

I know, I know, they aren't twins... 
Ever since they were wee little lads I've always dressed them the same.
Maybe because my mom always dressed my brothers the same or
maybe because they want the same clothes and throw a fit
if one gets something and not the other.... 
Either way they definitely bring their own personality to their style.

Those beautiful moments of brotherhood...

Ezra Ryder
My Model
He will ALWAYS give me a pose or flash a smile!
Any place any time any where. 

Levi Reign
My Wild Child
He loves the attention of the camera
He wants the pictures but doesn't want to sit still for them.

He wished for him and his brother to have a great day at school.

Brothers by Chance
Best Friends by Choice

I love seeing them goof around and simply enjoy each other 

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